[Hanyul] ★ Sale 46% ★ (hoL) Baek Hwa Goh Ampoule Essence 40ml / 백화고 앰플 에센스 / (tt) / 85,000 won(5)
Regular Price ₩45,900 incl.VAT
997 in stock
Product Information
What it is
Highly nutritive anti-aging essence that improve the complexion healthy, with its intensive care to the dry and damaged skin due to aging.
By containing micro oil ampoule, in the serum, this essence balance the moisture and oil in skin, and gives abundant nourishing. The ampoule formula of the essence permeates quickly into the skin for intensive moisutrizing, firming, luster care, wrinkle improvement, and brightening.
Recomended for
All skin types
How to use
After cleansing, refine skin texture with toner. Take an adequate amount and apply evenly along the skin texture and gently pat for absorption.
Ingredient list
?뺤젣?? ?섏씠?쒕줈?쒕꽕?댄떚?쒗뤃由?C6-14?щ젅?), ?꾨줈?먮떎?댁삱, ?대━湲由ъ꽭由?3硫뷀떥湲 猷⑥퐫?ㅼ뒪?ㅼ씠?ㅽ뀒?꾨젅?댄듃, ?ㅼ씠?꾨줈?꾨젋湲?쇱씠肄? ?ㅼ퓼?뚮?, ?щ━釉뚯삤?? ?ъ씠?대줈????ㅻ줉?몄씤, 湲由ъ꽭由? ?먰깂?? ?ъ씠?대줈?μ궗?ㅻ줉?몄씤, ?섏씠?꾩떊?꾨쭏?대뱶, 遺?몃젋湲???댁퐳, 硫뷀떥湲猷⑥퐫?ㅼ뒪?몄뒪?댁뒪?뚯븘?덉씠?? ?명뀒?꾨┫湲猷⑥퐫?ъ씠?? 泥쒓턿?? ?쒕떦洹肉뚮━?? ?λ즺, 湲由ъ꽭由댁뭅?꾨┫?덉씠?? ?먰떥?μ떎湲由ъ꽭由? 1,2-?μ궛?ㅼ씠?? ?꾨뜲?몄떊, ?쒓퀬踰꾩꽢 異붿텧臾?50 ppm), ?섏씠?쒕줈?쒕꽕?댄떚?쒕젅?쒗떞, ?ㅼ씠?뚮뱪?대뵒?곗뿉?? ?쇳넗?ㅽ븨怨좎떊, ?섏씠?쒕· ?쇱씠利덈뱶?몄궪?ы룷?? ?뚮뱪?대━?꾩뒪?뚰뀒?댄듃, ?몄궪異붿텧臾? ?뚮뱪硫뷀떥?ㅽ뀒?꾨줈?쇳????덉씠?? ?좎퐫?섎·, ?꾩뒪?쇱쭏?ъ뒪諛쒗슚臾?lt;/p>
Weight | 0.35 kg |
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