[Hanyul] ★ Sale 42% ★ (hpL) Baek Hwa Goh Anti-Aging Eye Cream 25ml / 백화고 아이크림 / (tt) / 60,000 won(5)
Regular Price ₩34,800 incl.VAT
998 in stock
Product Information
What it is
A wrinkle care anti-aging cream that improves wrinkles on not only eye area, but also, forehead and smile line. The eye cream makes the skin firm and supple with Baek Hwa Goh and ginseng saponin, to improve deep wrinkles.
Recomended for
All skin types
How to use
Take an adequate amount of the product on your fingertip. Pat the product lightly around the eye area (orbital bone). Use after cleansing, toner, essence and before moisturizer.
Ingredient list
?뺤젣?? ?꾨줈?먮떎?댁삱, ?ㅼ씠硫뷀떚肄? 湲由ъ꽭由? ?쒗??먮━?ㅻ━?명뀒?몃씪?먰떥?μ궗?몄뿉?댄듃, ?ν떥?꾨뜲移몄삱, ?명샇諛붿뿉?ㅽ꽣, 湲由ъ꽭由댁뒪?뚯븘?덉씠?? ?섏씠?꾩떊?꾨쭏?대뱶, 踰좏뿤?먯븣肄붿삱, ?대━湲由ъ꽭由?3硫뷀떥湲猷?肄붿삤?ㅻ떎?댁뒪?뚯븘?덉씠?? 1,2-?μ궛?ㅼ씠?? ?명뀒?꾨┫?뚯퐫?? ?쇰툕?댄뵾, ?ㅼ씠?붾??좎씪?섏씠?쒕줉?쒗봽濡ㅻ┛, ?대━?꾪겕由대젅?댄듃-13, 泥쒓턿?? ?쒕떦洹肉뚮━?? 遺?몃젋湲?쇱씠肄? ?대━?꾩씠?뚮??? ?ㅽ뀒?꾨┃?좎뵪?? ?섏씠 ?쒕줈?쒕꽕?댄떚?쒕젅?쒗떞, ?붾??깆븷?⑤뱶, 湲由ъ꽭由댁뭅?꾨┫?덉씠?? ?ㅼ씠?뚮뱪?대뵒?곗뿉?? ?먰떥?μ떎湲由??몃┛, ?λ즺, ?대━?붾쿋?댄듃20, ?붾퉬?꾩븘?댁냼?ㅽ뀒?꾨젅?댄듃, ?꾨뜲?몄떊, ?깆뒪?몃┛, 移댁뭅?ㅼ텛異쒕Ъ, ?쒓퀬踰꾩꽢 異붿텧臾?50 ppm), ?좎퐫?섎·, ?쇳넗?ㅽ븨怨좎떊, ?섏씠?쒕·?쇱씠利덈뱶?몄궪?ы룷?? ?뚮뱪?대━?꾩뒪?뚰뀒?댄듃, ?몄궪 異붿텧臾? ?뚮뱪硫뷀떥?ㅽ뀒?꾨줈?쇳??곕젅?댄듃, ?꾩뒪?쇱쭏?ъ뒪諛쒗슚臾?lt;/p>
Weight | 0.35 kg |
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